Monday, July 12, 2010

Ok first post! Michael and I have been in Buena Vista, CO since last Tuesday night.. feels like much longer. We finally found our first gig but here are a few other things that have happened...

Day 1- We arrive at Didi and Dida's (Michael's grandparents') cabin after 17 hours of driving (I'm pretty sure 16.5 of those were spent getting out of Texas). Michael was pulling a boat behind his dad's truck and I drove my CRV- i.e., NO BREAKS in driving other than pulling over to make a tuna sandwich. It was exhausting. Walkie talkies saved our lives.

Day 2- The cabin is surrounded by gorgeous pine forest, with Mt. Princeton in the background. We take some walks, look at some birds, run through the forest, make Sasha tired, watch Spain beat Germany.

Day 3- Fishing attempt #1: RAINED OUT!!!

Day 4- We get up at an ungodly hour to go fishing and catch our limit in the first hour. It was quite cold and windy, and I must've had 17 layers on at first but it warmed up quickly and we had a blast. Mmmmm, fish for dinner.

Dida's sister and her husband live down the street and we all went for a mountain picnic. Tragedy strikes! Lily knocks a styrofoam plate into the creek with her tail- Sasha jumps in the freezing water and manages to grab it and we are all yelling at him about what a good dog he is and to bring the plate to us, and he gets so excited and confused he drops it back in the water. Styrofoam floats downstream and 17 turtles die, or something.

Day 5- Germany beats Uruguay (way to go Deutschland, 3rd's not so bad) and then Michael and I drive out to a bunch of rocks for camping. Before setting up camp we climb climb climb for a coupla hours, all the way to the very top- Sasha made it almost all the way, I was so impressed! What a good dog. Now maybe he won't be such a fatty anymore.

At camp we use our cooking set for the first time (thanks Claire!) and by the time the rice is finished there was a STRONG wind a-blowin'. Dark clouds came in and we thought for sure we were about to get caught in a mountainous (haha) thunderstorm, but it ended up just missing us- we actually watched it come toward us and then blow away over another mountaintop, it was pretty cool. Shoulda taken pictures. Oh well.

Days 6 & 7- More mountain picnics!

That brings us up to date.. tomorrow we are setting out for our first WWOOFing site in Crestone, CO. Ciao everybody, hope all is well.